Cool Off Baby - Billy Barrix

Cool Off Baby

Billy Barrix

(N. Jovan - W. Barrix, CHESS 1662, 1957)

Well, baby-baby, bop-bop-bop-bop
Baby-baby, baby, baby, bop-bop-bop-bop
Baby-baby, baby, baby, bop-bop-bop-bop-bop
Baby-baby, bop-bop-bop-bop, baby
Cool off baby, I wanna make love to you

I know I made you angry
And I know I made you mad
And I know I made a big fool of myself
But baby-baby-baby I feel so bad
Now come on baby-baby
Now come on baby-baby
Now cool off baby, I wanna make up with you


Now I can't live without you
I can't even eat
I can't do a whole day of work
Baby-baby-baby, I can't even sleep
Now come on baby-baby
Now come on baby-baby
Now cool off baby, I wanna make love to you


Now baby I need your lovin'
I need your tender care
Well, I've been livin' in misery
Well, I just can't go on alone like this
Now, baby-baby-baby-baby-baby
Well, baby-baby-baby-baby-baby
Now come on baby, I wanna make love to you

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