Crazy Arms - Jerry Lee Lewis

Crazy Arms

Jerry Lee Lewis

(Ralph Mooney - Charles Seals, SUN 259, 1957)

Now blue ain't the word for the way that I feel
That old storm's brewing in this heart of mine
Someday these crazy arms will hold somebody new
But now I'm so lonely all the time

Crazy arms that reach to hold somebody new
While your heart keeps sayin' you're not mine
(not mine, not mine, not mine)
My troubled mind grows blue, to another you'll be wed
But now I'm so lonely all the time

Now take all those precious dreams I had for you and me
And take all that love I thought was mine
Someday your crazy arms will hold somebody new
But now I'm so lonely all the time

Crazy arms that reach to hold somebody new
While my yearning heart keeps saying you're not mine
(not mine, not mine, not mine)
My troubled mind grows blue, to another you'll be wed
But now I'm so lonely all the time

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