Deep Purple - Billy Ward & His Dominoes

Deep Purple

Billy Ward & His Dominoes

(Mitchell Parish - Peter De Rose, Liberty 55099, 1957)

When the deep purple falls over sleepy garden walls
And the stars begin to flicker in the sky
Through the mist of a memory you wander back to me
Breathing my name with a sigh
In the still of the night once again I hold you tight
Though you're gone, your love lives on when moonlight beams
And as long as my heart will beat, lover we'll always meet
Here in my deep purple dreams
Here in my deep purple dreams

- The song was written in 1934 as a piano composition
- #1 hit for Larry Clinton & His Orchestra in 1939
- #20 for Billy Ward And His Dominoes in 1957
- #1 for Nino Tempo & April Stevens in 1963
- The song was covered numerous times...

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