All The Time - Sleepy Labeef

All The Time

Sleepy Labeef

(H. Harris - S. LaBeef, Mercury 71179, 1957)

How much I love that woman of mine
How much I love that woman of mine
A sweeter love I'll never find
And I want her with me all the time
What would I give to have her now
What would I give to have her now
I'd give my life, it's no good no how
If I can't have her with me all the time
Well if you see her tell her for me
Her sugar daddy's full of misery
I wanna see her when the sun goes down
I'll be lookin' all over town
'Cause I can't stop my crazy heart
No I can't stop my crazy heart
It feels just like it will break apart
And I want her with me all the time
(Let's git it now!)

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