Do I Love You Baby - Warren Smith

Do I Love You Baby

Warren Smith

(Kesler, Sun, 1957)

Well you ask me if I love you
And you turned kinda pale
Well you asked me if I love you
And you turned kinda pale
Well do I love you baby
Does a cat have a tale
Well you say now if I love you
Why do we fuss and fight
Well you say now if I love you
Why do we fuss and fight
Now do I love you baby
Does a zebra have stripes
Well is the ocean deep
The moon there high
Does a star light up in the midnight sky
Does a bird need a wing, with which to fly
Well love me baby, 'fore I say goodbye
Well you don't know if I'll buy you
A big shiny diamond ring
Well you don't know if I'll buy you
A big shiny diamond ring
Well will I buy you that ring
Does a mocking-bird sing
Does a leopard have spots
Does a zebra have stripes
Does a cat have a tale

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