

Elvis Presley

(J. Leiber - M. Stoller, RCA 47-7150, 1958)

Don't, don't, that's what you say
Each time that I hold you this way
When I feel like this and I want to kiss you
baby, don't say don't (don't, don't)

Don't, don't leave my embrace
For here in my arms is your place
When the night grows cold and I want to hold you
baby, don't say don't (don't, don't)

If you think that this is just a game I'm playing
If you think that I don't mean every word I'm saying
Don't (don't) don't (don't) don't feel that way
I'm your love and yours I will stay
This you can believe, I will never leave you
Heaven knows I won't (don't)
Baby, don't say don't (don't, please, don't)

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