
Don't Mention My Name

Lew Williams

(Williams, IMPERIAL 8306, 1956)

Well, baby if you talk in your sleep
Ah ssssh, don't mention my name
I'll meet you at the corner of Ackard and Elmore
In the back booth over at Sam's or...
I'll even risk a-coming out to your place
I gotta be real carefull, I can't be seen
Ah, caution, caution, that's the thing
And baby if you talk in your sleep
Ah ssssh, don't mention my name

Well, don't cross your signals on the phone
That's a-two rings if you're all alone
And three rings if your old man's home tonight
Don't breathe the word, whatever you do now
Don't even trust your best friend Sue
And baby if you talk in your sleep
Ah ssssh, don't mention my name

Tell the old dead beat you're going down town
You got some shopping to do, you're gonna look around
Well, I'll meet you there
We're really gonna have a ball
I'll wine you, a-dine you, a-dance you too
You'll know you had a night, when I get through
But baby if you talk in your sleep
Ah ssssh, don't mention my name

I'll meet you at the corner of Ackard and Elmore
In the back booth over at Sam's or...
I'll even risk a-coming out to your place
I gotta be real carefull, I can't be seen
Ah, caution, caution, that's the thing
And baby if you talk in your sleep
Ah ssssh, don't mention my name
Ssssh, ssssh, ssssh, ssssh

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