Done Gone - George & Earl

Done Gone

George & Earl

(Helms - Taylor, MERCURY 70852, 19560)

Done gone, where did my baby go
Done gone, where did my baby go
She left me flat
Now where she's at, nobody seems to know

My baby is done gone
My baby is done gone
For so long, I done her wrong
And now my baby is done gone

Done gone, the blues done settin' in
Done gone, the blues done settin' in
Without a doubt, she's done found out
What kind of man I've been


Done gone, I wonder what will I do
Done gone, I wonder what will I do
I got more blues than I can use
If baby's really through


Done gone, my baby's done left this town
Done gone, my baby's done left this town
I told her lies and she got wise
And then she put me down


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