
Drivin' Wheel

Robert Gordon

(Burnett - Swan, RCA, 1981)

All I want is a love that's hot
Can't be sold and it can't be bought
Love don't try to be something it's not
All I need is a love that's real
Love won't rob and love won't steal
Love that moves like a drivin' wheel
Well, all I want is a drivin' wheel
Well, all I want is a drivin' wheel
All round up, is my ideal

All I want is a love that's right
To hold on to with all my might
Early in the morning and late at night
All I need is a love that's real
Love won't rob and love won't steal
Love that moves like a drivin' wheel
Well, all I want is a drivin' wheel
All I want is a drivin' wheel
All round up, is my ideal

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