Drown In My Tears - Troyce Key

Drown In My Tears

Troyce Key

(Henry Glover, Warner Bros. 5007, 1958)

Wet rains the tear into my eyes, when I began to realise
I cried so much since you been gone
I guess I'll drown in my own tears
I've really cried just like a child
My poor little tears are running wild
If you don't think you'll be home soon
I guess I'll drown, oh-yeah, in my own tears
I know it's true, into each life
Wow, some rain, rain must fall
Clouds over here whithout you
It keeps a-rainin' more and more
Why can 't you come on home, oh-yes, so I won't be all alone
If you don't think, you'll be home soon
I guess I'll (drown in my own tears)
Oh don't let me (drown in my own tears)
When I'm in trouble baby (drown in my own tears)
I guess I'll drown in my own tears

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