Amarillo Killer - Mac Curtis

Amarillo Killer

Mac Curtis

(Mac Curtis, ROLLIN' ROCK, 1977)

Well, he was born one night in a panhandle town
It was cold as ice and there was wind all around
He's an Amarillo killer and he's here to burn you with desire
He's an Amarillo killer and he's here to set your heart on fire

He says, when I grow up, I'm gonna kiss real long
Gonna scutter every woman, that can't get me wrong
Amarillo killer and he's here to burn you with desire
He's an Amarillo killer and he's here to set your heart on fire

His kiss is a whirlwind, he blows your mind
He can kiss a dozen women every time
He's an Amarillo killer and he's here to set your heart on fire
He's an Amarillo killer and he's here to burn you with desire

All you Texas mamas, better take good care (be aware)
Better lock up your daughters while the killer is here
He's an Amarillo killer and he's here to burn you with desire
He's an Amarillo killer and he's here to set your heart on fire

All you Texas mamas, better take good care
Better lock up your daughters while the killer is a-here
He's an Amarillo killer and he's here to burn you with desire
He's an Amarillo killer and he's here to set your heart on fire
He's an Amarillo killer and he's here to set your heart on fire
He's an Amarillo killer and he's here to set your heart on fire
He's an Amarillo killer and he's here to set your heart on fire

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