
Feelin' Lonesome

The Taildraggers

(P. Snijders, RARITY C192731, 2003)

I'm feelin' lonesome, cause that's my name
I'm broken hearted, just the same
I lost my baby, I don't know what to do
In my sleep I dream of you

I'm feelin' lonesome, down in misery
Can't help this feelin' , baby can't you see
She's found another, and baby I'm still the same
Feelin' lonesome, that's my name

My cryin' days make me feel like a fool
I'm just feelin' lonesome,
And I don't know what do

She's found another, and baby I'm still the same
Feelin' lonesome, that's my name

Feelin' lonesome, I'm on my way
Just getting started, just hear me say
She's gone away and my love for her has died
Feelin' lonesome, have I cried


Courtesy of Pascal Snijders

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