Foolish One - Carl Mann

Foolish One

Carl Mann

(Carl Mann, Phillips International 3539, 1959)

Foolish one, I was the foolish one
I let you lure me with your charms and break my heart
Oh-oh, foolish dreams, oh I build foolish dreams
Not never knowing that some day they'd fall apart
When the sun comes up tomorrow I'll be gone
When the moon comes up tonight I'll be alone
Foolish one, I was the foolish one
Oh yes, my love has stopped
My world has gone, I can't go on

Foolish one, I was the foolish one
I let you lure me with your charms and break my heart
Oh-oh, foolish dreams, oh I build foolish dreams
Not never knowing that some day they'd fall apart
When the sun comes up tomorrow I'll be gone
When the moon comes up tonight I'll be alone
Foolish one, I was the foolish one
Oh yes, my love has stopped
My world has gone, I can't go on
Fool... fool.. fool...

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