Foolish Thoughts - Narvel Felts

Foolish Thoughts

Narvel Felts

(Barnett - Tuttle, Mercury 71140, 1957)

I can't do a thing when I'm thinkin' of you
Think of you is all I do
Everybody's thinkin' of the things I'm thinkin' too
Foolish thoughts of you
I wonder how it feels to have your popularity
I wonder what I have to do to make you think of me
But I realize there's lots of other guys
Foolish thoughts of you

I can't dream a dream, as it's the dream
Of all the other guys in town
Everybody's thinkin' of the things I'm thinkin' too
Foolish thoughts of you
I wonder how it feels to have your popularity
I wonder what I have to do to make you think of me
But I realize there's lots of other guys
Foolish thoughts of you

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