For Quite A While - Ben Hewitt

For Quite A While

Ben Hewitt

(Ben Hewitt, MERCURY 71472X45, 1959)

I like your sultry eyes, I like your pretty nose
I like the way your wear all those fancy clothes
I like your walk, I like your talk
I like your lovely smile
And I've loved you so my dear for quite a while

Won't you hear my plea in the words of the song
If you come with me, I will never do you wrong
I'll love you right, day and night
My love you drive me wild
And I've loved you so my dear for quite a while

I want you near me all the time
To hold me in your arms
When nights are cold, to have and hold
Your love will keep me warm
Well, I want to have you always, right here by my side
So that I can love you until the day I die
I want you to know, I swear it's so
Your touch just drives me wild
And I've loved you so my dear for quite a while

I want you near me all the time
To hold me in your arms
When nights are cold, to have and hold
Your love will keep me warm
Well, I want to have you baby, always right here by my side
So that I can love you until the day I die
I want you to know, I swear it's so
Your touch just drives me wild
And I've loved you so my dear for quite a while
And I loved you so my dear for quite a while
And I loved you so my dear for quite a while

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