Forbidden Fruit - The Rhythmaires

Forbidden Fruit

The Rhythmaires

(James Fildes, NERVOUS LP NERD 030)

Well, lookin' like an angel, dressed like a queen
Twenty-five years old, goin' on fifteen
She's jailbait, it's a pitty she was born too late
She's jailbait, I gotta another two years to wait

She looks like something that set down from heaven
But I found out she's only two times seven
She's jailbait, it's a pitty she was born too late
She's jailbait, I gotta another two years to wait

Well, I don't wanna break that golden rule
'Cause tomorrow morning she's back in school
She's jailbait, it's a pitty she was born too late
She's jailbait, I gotta another two years to wait

She looks like something that set down from heaven
But I found out she's only two times seven
She's jailbait, it's a pitty she was born too late
She's jailbait, I gotta another two years to wait

Well, lookin' like an angel, dressed like a queen
Twenty-five years old, goin' on fifteen
She's jailbait, it's a pitty she was born too late
She's jailbait, I gotta another two years to wait

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