Forever - Sue Moreno & Marco Di Maggio


Sue Moreno & Marco Di Maggio


You said forever, for eternity
That's so easy said now you just let me be
You know what you did
You just left me behind
Counted on you, stood by your side

All is said and done, forever took wrong turns
Thought I had you near, can you tell it hurts
Everyone's got
A certain dream in mind
So don't leave me behind

You just walked away
Leaving me blue and confused
There's nothing left to say
It's very hard to loose
Forever ain't a word in your book anymore
Why don't you love me like you did before

You said forever, for eternity
That's so easy said now you just let me be
You know what you did
You just left me behind
While I counted on you and stood by your side

People passing by, they have no idea
The way I feel inside or the way I plead
Tell me what's forever
Cause all goes by so fast
But you and I should have been one thing to last

You just walked away
Leaving me blue and confused
There's nothing left to do
It's very hard to loose
Forever ain't a word in your book anymore
Why don't you love me like you did before

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