Framed - Ritchie Valens


Ritchie Valens

(Jerry Leiber - Mike Stoller, Uniss.)

I was walkin' down the street, minding my own affair
When two policemen grabbed me unaware
They said, is your name Henry, I says why sure?
He says you're the boy I been lookin' for
I was framed, framed, I was blamed
Framed, well I never do nothing
But I always get blamed, oh framed

They took me to the line where those bright lights shine
There was ten poor souls like me in that line
I knew I was a victim of someone's evil plan
When a stool-pigeon walked in an' says
Thats your man!
I was framed, framed, I was blamed
Oh, framed, framed, framed
Well, I never do nothing
But I always get blamed

Well, the prosecuting attorney started a-prosecuting me
Man, that cat didn't give me the one, but the third degree
He says, where were you in the night of July 1953
Man, I was just home, just a tweedle-ee-dee
I was framed, oh framed, I was blamed
Oh, framed, framed, framed
Well, I never do nothing
But I always get framed, oh framed
Oh framed...

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