Frankie - Connie Francis


Connie Francis

(N. Sedaka - H. Greenfield, MGM 12793, 19590)

Frankie, wherever you are, I love you...

Though you found a new love, I still miss you so
I just can't forget you, but you'll never know
Frankie my darling, I'll never let you see me cry

Once I was your sweetheart, now I'm just a friend
Once you really loved me, now I just pretend
Frankie my darling, I'll never let you see me cry

Oh Frankie, I'd rather hide these teardrops
Deep down inside I'm crying, but you'll never see
I'd rather cry than have you pity me

Though my nights are lonely, since we been apart
I'll always keep this secret, deep within my heart
Frankie my darling, I'll never let you see me cry

Frankie, wherever you are, I love you...

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