Fujiyama Mama - Wanda Jackson

Fujiyama Mama

Wanda Jackson

(Earl Burrows, Capitol 3843, 1957)

I've a-been to Nagasaki, Hiroshima too
The same I did to them, baby, I can do to you
'Cause I'm a Fujiyama mama and I'm just about to blow my top
Fujiyama-yama, Fujiyama
And when I start erupting, ain't nobody gonna make me stop

I drink a quart of sake, smoke dynamite
I chase it with tobaccey and then shoot out the light
'Cause I'm a Fujiyama mama and I'm just about to blow my top
Fujiyama-yama, Fujiyama
And when I start erupting, ain't nobody gonna make me stop

Well, you can talk about me, say that I'm mean
I'll blow your head off, baby, with nitroglycerine
'Cause I'm a Fujiyama mama and I'm just about to blow my top
Fujiyama-yama, Fujiyama
And when I start erupting, ain't nobody gonna make me stop

Well, you can say I'm crazy, stone deaf and dumb
But I can cause destruction just like the atom bomb
'Cause I'm a Fujiyama mama and I'm just about to blow my top
Fujiyama-yama, Fujiyama
And when I start erupting, ain't nobody gonna make me stop

I drink a quart of sake, smoke dynamite
I chase it with tobaccey and then shoot out the light
'Cause I'm a Fujiyama mama and I'm just about to blow my top
Fujiyama-yama, Fujiyama
And when I start erupting, ain't nobody gonna make me stop

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