Another Little Drink - Ellis & The Angry Teens

Another Little Drink

Ellis & The Angry Teens

(Ellis - Faron - Leslie, GOOFIN', 1998)

Well, my knees are shakin' and I can't see straight
Lost a shoe, messed up my date
So I sat down, the glass goin' around
Sun's come up and the moon's gone down

Well, play another tune to chase away my blues
Well, I need some time to think
Bartender... another little drink!

I came here such a long time ago
Just to have a beer and to watch the show
I would've stayed for a drink or more
But I'm so drunk I can't find the door

Well, another little drink
And another little drink
Well, another little drink
And then one mo-o-o-re

I came here such a long time ago
Just to have a beer and to watch the show
I would've stayed for a drink or more
But I'm so drunk I can't find the door

Well, another little drink
And another little drink
Then another little drink
And then one mo-o-o-re
Another little drink
And another little drink
Then another little drink
And then just one more
Just another little drink
And another little drink
Another little drink!

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