Gonna Have Myself A Ball - Lance Roberts

Gonna Have Myself A Ball

Lance Roberts

(Boudleaux Bryant, DECCA 9-30955, 1959)

Well, I do not know what tomorrow may bring
But I ain't gonna worry at all
'cos the life I worry is burden of things
I'm gonna have myself a ball, I'm gonna have myself a ball

There's a jukebox down on a Washington street
Where the macks are mellow and tall
There's a doll down there who is clever and sweet
I'm gonna bet that doll a call, I'm gonna have myself a ball

Bring on the fun and the good times
I'm gonna live it up big tonight
I'm gonna whoop and holler and spend my dollar
While the spark is a-burning bright

Well the richman sleeps with his head on a gun
And the watchdog out in the hall
But a cat like me has a barrel of fun
Because I ain't got a worry at all and then have yourself a ball

Bring on the fun and the good times
I'm gonna live it up big tonight
I'm gonna whoop and holler and spend my dollar
While the spark is a-burning bright

Well the richman sleeps with his head on a gun
And the watchdog out in the hall
But a cat like me has a barrel of fun
Because I ain't got a worry at all and then have yourself a ball

I'm gonna have myself a ball...huuumm
Have yourself a ball... huumm yeah

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