Good Golly Miss Molly - Little Richard

Good Golly Miss Molly

Little Richard

(Blackwell - Marascalco, Specialty 624, 1958)

Good golly, Miss Molly, sure like a ball.
Good golly, Miss Molly, sure like a ball.
When you're rockin' and a rollin' can't hear your momma call.

From the early early mornin' till the early early night
you can see Miss Molly rockin' at the house of blue lights.
Good golly, Miss Molly, sure like a ball.
When you're rockin' and a rollin' can't hear your momma call.

Well, now momma, poppa told me:
"Son, you better watch your step."
What I knew about Miss Molly gotta watch my dad myself.
Good golly, Miss Molly, sure like a ball.
When you're rockin' and a rollin' can't hear your momma call.

I am going to the corner, gonna buy a diamond ring.
Would you pardon me if it's a nineteen carat golden thing.
Good golly, Miss Molly, sure like a ball.
When you're rockin' and a rollin' can't hear your momma call.

Good golly, Miss Molly, sure like a ball.
Good golly, Miss Molly, sure like a ball.
When you're rockin' and a rollin' can't hear your momma call.

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