Hello Little Boy - Ruth Brown

Hello Little Boy

Ruth Brown

(Ruth Brown, ATLANTIC 45-1027)

Well, hello little boy, don't you remember me
Well, hello little boy, don't you remember me
Well, 'cause I've been down the docks from Tennessee

Well, I met you bay, it was right near by the mall
Well, met you bay, right near by the mall
And now you wanna call me doin' the Lindy Hop

Oh, you ain't good looking, you ain't nobody's dream
I said, you ain't good looking, you ain't nobody's dream
Well, but when you love me, can't help but scream

I cried ooh wee
I cried ooh wee
Well, ooh wee baby, so good to me
(Play the blues, git it)

Now, you ain't good looking, you ain't nobody's dream
I said, you ain't good looking, you ain't nobody's dream
Well, but when you love me, can't help but scream

I cried ooh wee
I cried ooh wee
Well, ooh wee baby, so good to me
(Play the blues, yeah)

Well, I believe in you baby, I know you done me wrong
Well, I believe in you baby, I know you done me wrong
Well, my train's leaving, goodbye, so long

Well, it's bye baby bye
Well, it's bye baby bye
Well, I'm leaving you baby, hang your head and cry

Well, bye bye
Well, bye bye
Well, I'm leaving you baby, hang your head and cry

Well, it's bye bye
Oh, it's bye bye
Well, I'm leaving you baby, hang your head and cry

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